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Old 08-23-2011, 06:40 AM   #75
Dojo: Charlotte Aikikai Agatsu Dojo
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1,944
Re: philosophical or practical martial art?

Niall Matthews wrote: View Post
Hugh I disagree about techniques for killing. They are the antithesis of aikido. It does seem a little patronizing to have showing openings to your partner as an aim of your aikido instead of an incidental result of sincere training. But it implies that keiko is a kind of conversation which is a very interesting point.
huh? how do techniques for killing antithesis to aikido? aren't most aikido techniques are for killing and maiming (not necessary in that order)? wouldn't iriminage to someone, on concrete, who doesn't know how to take ukemi, maiming or possibly kill him/her/it? i show openings to my partners all the time, and they do the same to me in return; that's how you learn in martial arts, right? find the openings and plug the openings. find the openings, exploit the openings. martial arts sole purpose is for killing and maiming. it's a tool, no more and no less. similar to a knife. it designs for cut and stab. in the hands of a killer, it takes life. in the hand of chief, it nourishes life. in the hand of a doctor, it saves life. in the hand of a jewish doctor, it shaves part of male life.
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