Thread: O-sensei rules
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Old 08-22-2011, 10:46 PM   #42
Diana Frese
Dojo: Aikikai of S.W. Conn. (formerly)
Location: Stamford Connecticut
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 386
Re: O-sensei rules

Thanks for the background, Peter and Allen. I added the breathing exercises, etc. in reply to what I am beginning to use to get back in training because Allen was so kind to ask.

I did find the book I mentioned very interesting because of reading about O Sensei's study of Omoto, and having met some people who were members of Seicho no Ie, one at NY Aikikai in the late 1960's, one at Hombu in the mid 1970's and a family here in Stamford in the late 1970's. I had heard of Soka Gakkai while auditing some courses on Japan at Columbia in the late 1960's and at the time they were asking people I knew to attend meetings and chant... in English I think it would have been Praise to the Lotus Sutra if I remember correctly. I think they would just walk up to people in the subways, etc. and invite them.

So I had heard of Seicho no Ie and met some people from that group, had heard of Soka Gakkai but never knew any of them personally, and a friend of mine had joined Mahikari, which I don't know if it is still meeting in New York. Unfortunately I haven't heard from her in years, the last time she telephoned she was a member of an international choir which I don't think was connected with Mahikari.

Reading the book, I thought one of the groups might have been the predecessor of Mahikari.

The book was fascinating at the time because I had met people from, or at least heard of three of the groups, actually four, because one of my Japanese friend's mother was a member of Tenrikyo.
So I hope I can find my copy of the book to read it again.

We have to watch our budget but it's good to have a goal and the mirror sword and jewel book will be well worth the effort I'm sure.
It's kind of late now, but I might write again tomorrow or send a PM. I will enjoy re reading all the posts on this thread. Thanks, everyone.

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