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Old 08-20-2011, 12:27 PM   #65
Carsten Möllering
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Dojo: Hildesheimer Aikido Verein
Location: Hildesheim
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Re: philosophical or practical martial art?

Yannis Mousoulis wrote: View Post
Well...actually no, it's the other way round.I totally agree that different schools teach slightly different ways, but there is only one aikido, so the basic principles are actually the same.
I think, this a very common opinion. But I am not sure whether I agree.

Not only when I compare different schools like shodokan , aikikai, aiki no michi, ki aikido. But even when I train in different dojo of the aikikai here in Germany it seems to me that the different branches of the "only one aikido" are develloping in different directions. That the different styles or schools or aikido are drifting apart.

Niall Matthews wrote: View Post
Carsten this sounds like very confused thinking.[
I'm sorry fot that! I will try to make my point clearer.

Perhaps you could explain the spiritual nature of atemi to the larynx.
I refered to the statement of yannis, that just practicing aikido creates a certain spirituality or leads to a certain spirituality.
"And if the principles and the techniques are correct, then the philosophy is there", he wrote in the same post.

I stated that I see different ways of aikido. And just to illustrat this I said: One way delivers dangerous atemi. The other way even does not break the balance of uke (see below), because it is considered to be to aggressive.

My point or better my question: Is it possible, that such different ways of practice will lead to the same spirituality? Will they create an identical thinking or feeling? An identical philosophy?
And you may add: Will delivering dangerous atemi lead to a certain spirituality at all?

You are right, I should have been clearer:
I don't think, just practicing aikido leads to a certain spirituality. At least not to what I understand a such.
I think, it is the other way round: You bring it with you, you bring your spirituality to the dojo.

Less confused/confusing?

And please tell us the names of any styles of aikido which don't aim to break the balance of uke.
A friend of mine practices Ki Aikido in the line of Yoshigasaki Kenjiro doshu. This is the line which represents Ki-Aikido in Europe (and South America and South Africa). When there was the split of Ki Aikido in Europe only very few dojo followed Tohei sensei. In Germany there are only one or two of them, I think.
This line of aikido thinks it do be too aggressive to break the balance of uke. I can't really explain to you, how their aikido works. I don't unerstand it.
And when I practiced in a dojo of that style it just didn't work on me. For what reason ever.
Graham Christian wrote: View Post
Yes. Minus O'Senseis you get daitoryu I would say. It is precisely his spiritual and philosophical change that brought Aikido into being and thus took it far away from daitoryu or earlier jutsus.
Do you mean, O Sensei represented a different spirituality or philosophy? Or do you think he was the first one to integrate spirituality and philosophy into the martial ways?

If he was just different, what do you think did he change? And can you verify this (I mean to yourself, your understanding) when comparing his meanings with the spirituality /philosohy of other teachers of budo?

[quote=Anita Dacanay;290677 The object of this study is to create a person who is sincere and kind, who has a true heart.[/QUOTE]Don't other budo aim for the same?

... His view was that his students should be thinking about whatever God or Gods are sacred to them."
Doesn't this mean you have to be clear about which spirituality you already have and bring to the dojo?

... I personally would not argue with either one of those gentlemen, nor question their authority to speak on the subject of Aikido.
Well, I think only if I respect someones authority, his thoughts are worth to discuss them?

Last edited by Carsten Möllering : 08-20-2011 at 12:31 PM.
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