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Old 08-11-2011, 05:24 PM   #73
Dojo: Shobu Aikido of Boston
Location: Peterborough, NH
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 653
Re: The Descent of Aiki

Dan: Okay, I appreciate your reproof and your unwillingness to get drawn into another slanging match. And I understand that Mike's never met you or seen your stuff first hand, so his isn't an informed opinion. But there are other experts around who have wide personal experience, so I thought it worth throwing the question out there.

I'm interested in what kind of reaction you get from Chinese experts. Is it like, "Cool, we do that and here's what it looks like"? Or, "Cool, we've never seen that before but it could fit in with our principles this way"? The first would suggest some kind of direct connection; the second would suggest some innovation along the way.

Yeah, we'll never know for sure. But it would be cool to trace the common threads.

Re increasing my exposure: Oh yeah. Working on it.
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