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Old 08-09-2011, 02:04 PM   #25
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 27
Re: The Descent of Aiki

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Really? In Japanese arts, you open and close "across the body"? All Japanese arts (I just want to get this clear) or just some of them? If you do a suburi swing, you're not doing it with the dantien but are instead using a cross-body open-close? Now we're getting into details. Using the suburi swing, or something close to it, explain why the body is moving differently than the qi model.


Mike Sigman
Oh good you noticed that. Excellent. See how annoying it is when people setup strawmen? You do it all the time - logical fallacies make it hard to have logical argument. Like your electrical engineering comment or about "how you go see actually experts" as opposed to people who don't.

Anyway I will say in Judo there is an up hand and a down hand, or a pushing and pulling hand. Or take a look at Aikido throws like irimi nage, juji nage, or tenchi nage. Why can't your dantien make one hand go up and one hand go down? Why can't move with your entire body but have a preference for moving your whole body a certain way? People do all sorts of cuts that aren't straight up and down.
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