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Old 08-08-2011, 09:48 AM   #1
Eric Joyce
Dojo: Budoshingikan
Location: Gilbert, AZ
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 179
Thumbs up Howard Popkin Seminar Review - Mesa, AZ

First and foremost, a BIG thanks to Howard Popkin for making the trek to Arizona. I hope you enjoyed your visit in the dry heat
Howard is a great teacher and a genuine, down to earth guy. Even though this is the first time I have met Howard, I felt like we knew each other already.

Before the 2 day Daito Ryu seminar, my friends and I really didn't know what to expect. We had some ideas on what may be discussed and practiced. We even had some some ideas/theories on some of the terms and concepts we have heard over the years on Aikiweb i.e. internal power, aiki, etc. The seminar went way beyond anything we could have imagined. We went in with open minds ready to learn…and Howard delivered.

Howard explaining Daito Ryu, aiki, etc., reminded of those book you see at Barnes and Noble (Daito Ryu for Dummies or Daito Ryu demystified). Howard's approach was no nonsense, pragmatic and to the point. No mysticism, no BS, just telling it like it is. That's why we loved Howard. A real good egg. I certainly learned a lot from Howard this weekend. There was so much information that was being shared my mind felt fried by the end of the 2nd day. It was well worth it. I will definitely incorporate what I have learned in those 2 days. It is my hope that when we see Howard again, we will have made considerable progress in our structure and being more relaxed…especially me. I think I need to take valium or something to really relax my body sometimes Like the movie What About Bob…baby steps.

On another note, over the years on Aikiweb, I have read and participated sometimes in the conversations about aiki and was always skeptical about the line "It has to be felt" or IHTBF. I figured if you couldn't explain it, you didn't understand it well enough. Although conversations on that topic are good to have to create dialogue and discussions, nothing is quite as impressive as getting hands on someone that can do those cool things. After getting my hands on Howard and feeling his technique, listening to him explain the how's, why's and so what's…it opened doors for me that really blew my mind. Dan Harden and others on here are correct…get out there and touch hands with others, feel them out, learn what you can.

In conclusion, not that my opinion matters or means anything, but I whole heartedly recommend people see Hoard Popkin at one of his seminars. He is extremely talented, approachable, patient and humble. Howard, I wish I could have hung out with you more after the classes this past weekend and shared some beers. Perhaps next time. Thanks again Howard.


Eric Joyce

Eric Joyce
Otake Han Doshin Ryu Jujutsu
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