Thread: Aiki
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:33 PM   #34
Lorel Latorilla
Location: Osaka
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 311
Re: Aiki

Greg Steckel wrote: View Post
To Jon and Lorel,

I can see where Lorel is coming from in his statement, and I have a good idea where Andy is coming from as well IMO, Andy's statement can stand on its own as is - however, I think the use of the word ki could be used as in the the following sentences because ki is an integral component required for developing aiki.

"Aiki is the result of one training their own body to be in unision with itself. Structure gives the ki/Aiki a clear pathway to follow. Relaxation enables ki/Aiki to travel through that structure. Intent is what fuels the ki/Aiki in the body. When one comes into contact with one who has trained their body. Aiki is what is seen when the two meet."

Aiki is definitely the word to use in the first and last sentences, however, ki could be substituted for aiki in the second, third, and fourth sentences - all depends on the context of the point you are trying to get across. IMO, with Andy's message, I think Aiki is the word for all.


And I'm sure Andrew has more skills and can fight better than I can and knows what he is talking about (sometimes language can't be as precise though ), I just don't want to be confused on the terms as I learned it .

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