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Old 07-25-2011, 07:06 AM   #149
Carsten Möllering
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Dojo: Hildesheimer Aikido Verein
Location: Hildesheim
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Re: Moving with your center

Janet Rosen wrote: View Post
When I was at a seminar w/ Ikeda Sensei a few months ago, for the first time, and after doing some solo IS exercises for a while, I found that it is explicitly what he is teaching, ...
Jason Casteel wrote: View Post
I would second what Janet said. He is basically doing the same things, though IMO you'd have some difficulty figuring out what he's asking you to do without some previous IS/IP experience.
Thank you both! I actually have been at Ikeda senseis seminar and it was great!

He chose me several times as his uke in front of the class. So I could exactly feel what he was talking about and what he wanted to demonstrate.

Most things he wanted us to do, I could do, because what he teaches is very near to our practice!!! It was familiar to what I learned from Endo sensei. Even if he uses different words and sometimes different "images".
But you can "translate" those languages quite easy. (At least I think so.)

During the break I asked sensei for some basic exercises which can help to better understand what he teaches and learn his way, his "construction" of what he wanted us to do.
Regarding my practice with Endo sensei and also my own teaching I think such basic exercises, solo or with partner (not waza but just learning to organize ones body / and mind) are the key to a better understanding of what a certain teacher does and how he understands things like aiki, connection, doing kuzushi ...
So Ikeda sensei showed me some things I can practice for myself.

Thank you again for your advice!
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