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Old 07-23-2011, 07:02 AM   #142
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Moving with your center

Lee Salzman wrote: View Post
Snakes? You want snakes? I got your snakes here.

Perhaps not for the easily startled...
Snake 1
Snake 2
Snake 3
Snake 4

The snake doesn't seem to need to worry about things like energy waves or vibrations but gets along just fine. But when you go back and watch these things in the view of quaint-sounding aphorisms like "when one part moves, all parts move", "form round, force straight", etc., the snake seems to get it without really having to waste any mental effort expounding on any of these things. The snake is not using its body like a whip or a bludgeon, not just on the way back out, but also on the way back in. This is probably closer to the reality of what our spines are, but at least throughout my aikido career, I was never shown to regard my spine and how it connects into the limbs as anything other than, well, a big giant stick.
Ha, ha. Nicessssssssss.

When you see them move along the ground you'll see a wave going through the body.The snake is all rhythm and mesmerism. Anyway, looks like you like snakes so you probably like this one.

You ever watched lions and tigers? Lions go straight in, tigers especially against lions) tend to atemi and irimi.

Dogs, especially those little bullit headed ones tend to grab and shake but use their koshi (back of hips) with gravity to pull with power.

Then the eagles claw, mmm, like taking the wrist from a strike whilst doing tai-sabaki.

Ha, ha, we can call this the secrets of shaolin Aikido.

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