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Old 07-22-2011, 09:13 AM   #131
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Moving with your center

Lee Salzman wrote: View Post
If it were just a matter of adding jumping-jacks to happo-undo, would it be an important point of discussion at all? One is talking about directions of stabilization or force generation that come in pairs - i.e. for some parts to extend up in space, others must extend down against something, or for some parts to sink down with the aid of gravity, other parts must rise up. The other is talking about just a movement exercise. They're just not on the same page, entirely different chapters of the book.
Obviously you think that for you are used to that particular view.
When you then assume what I say equals x then you are way off the mark.

Yes, the eight direction exercises are linear directions, from centre may I add, and are done for the reasons given. How does that equal no up or down dynamic?

To me for beginners and maybe others further along the line that may be true but obvious because they are learning. But the key is in the word centre.

If you are truly aware of centre then you will truly aware of a whole sphere, space, three dimentional. When this is normal to you then such comments wouldn't be made would they?

Centre, the reality of which leads to many understandings. I could write a whole chapter on that one thing.

Take the eight direction sword cut exercise. What happens when you cut in a straight line? The sword is cutting down in a straight line you may say. Well now look at the tip of the sword. It is cutting in a circle. It's almost 'drawing' a circle. Space.

Now do that exercise thousands of times and learn many things. Eventually you will understand what centre feels like for you will feel like you are just a centre having fun cutting through the universe. All else disappears. Thoughts of heavyness of sword or body mechanics or shoulders or feet or correct posture by that time have all been overcome and now it's just what it is, eight direction sword cut. Now just sit back and watch others debate it and say this and that about it and smile.

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