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Old 06-23-2011, 02:04 AM   #5
Rolf Granlund
Dojo: Shinsuikan/Genoa, Ohio
Location: Toledo, OH
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 32
Re: New to aikido and need some tips please

The dojo I train at also combines beginners and more advanced students. And the senior students take very seriously their responsibility to help out the beginners....or those asking their help. Over the years I too have had occassion to feel completely lost when working on techniques that seemed so far beyond me. The teacher always made a point though to make sure that the less experienced students knew that it was more than okay if they had trouble. A common phrase used is "Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

I've had my shodan now for a little over a year and it feels like I'm right back at the beginning again. So I kind of feel the same way as you do, Jose. I'm a beginner once again. I just plan on sitting back and enjoying the ride.

With Respect,
Rolf Granlund
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