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Old 06-22-2011, 09:23 AM   #107
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Dojo: Taikyoku Budo & Kiko - NY, PA, MD
Location: Greater Philadelphia Area
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Re: "Non-Aikido Martial Traditions" Forum

Perhap where the line to draw in the discussions is keeping the NAMT forum to discuss internal strength as it's own thing in terms of how it works, how it's exhibited in other martial arts, sparring, fighting, etc. How it's developed automatically in more limited forms through some types of activity (i.e. the notion that Weightlifters have strong "ki", but it's more limited in functional use and doesn't give the same longterm benefits to wellness, martial capability etc. that more fleshed out appoach to IS might). Even vetting out some of the definitions that different groups pursuing it might have, the historical contexts that support them, etc.

That way, the folks that do believe their practice already incorporates IS can contribute in NAMT to the degree in which their understanding allows, while also getting some martial art agnostic views into the discipline of internal strength building. My only point would be if you're going to say "we already do that" just prepare to have a clinical discussion around the methods you're using and expect some feedback and even disagreements. My challenge to us all (myself included, of course) is to allow for some spirited debate while keeping things respectful and on subject.

Then for aikido specific parts of aikiweb, the subject of internal strength can/even should be addressed, but specifically within how it's has been, currently is and maybe even should be trained in aikido as practiced before, today and going forward. One issue as I see it is that many infrastructures within the model of practice are so based on hierarchies and protocols that place the "sensei" on a pedestal of unquestioned correctness - that actual debate may be difficult or at the very least more challenging.

That said, I think enough people inside and outside the structure of the art are getting together to learn and try things out, the momentum - at least as viewed by this outsider on the aikiweb side of things, seems to be building to be more inclusive as more folks get hands on and feet in the doorway. It is interesting to watch but I'm hopeful that the trend in the discussions keeps moving forward to content without being focused on personalities.