Thread: Strength vs Ki.
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Old 06-19-2011, 08:30 AM   #296
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Strength vs Ki.

Nicholas Eschenbruch wrote: View Post
Hi Dan,
thanks for the clarification, I hear you. I guess the more extreme varieties you describe I would just ignore.... maybe that's what I have partly done in this thread sorry.

To me, part of the beauty of doing Aikido is that any "spiritual" claim needs to be translated into movement and interaction if it is to hold true... that's why it's little use doing it over the internet.

I was not aware Meik Skoss coined the term "aikibunny"? I tend to proudly appropriate it, though with some irony I guess.

Have a nice day
Glad we are clear
Hey...Happy Fathers day!
I think there are some great aspects of Aikido and of taiji push hands that people don't get. Those who's only concern -are fighting- will never get. It is a mental/physical plane that changes both the body and your mental outlook. And no I don't think it applies and therefore has changed/helped everyone.
There is a quality to that mental/physical practice that infuses everything you do. I think it is what Ueshiba was on about. I have met Chinese grandmaster level guys who were at peace with themselves and filled the room with their presence. And against all of my earlier prejudices (again Ellis was right), I have now met Aikido teachers who are stellar people and exhibit that same open and calm demeaner.
Here's the clincher....I have also met and seen the same calm and openness toward life's adversity in.....seasoned grapplers...who's concerns were not only about fighting either!! Talk to some of the Gracies and you will quickly see it is lifestyle and outlook.

I think it is quite funny that I find myself stuck on both sides of that pendulum and agreeing with both parties. As you know I play with MMAers, and they poke fun of the bunnies/ I teach aikido people and they poke fun of the MMAers.
It's why Holland (and actually many of my seminars) are fun for me. Both groups could take the blinders off and see and train with each other and find common ground and new friendships. Awareness is usually a good thing.

All in all, I think having to maintain a balanced mental/physical state under pressure, puts you in the zone, a place that people inherently understand is beyond the norm. Being able to flush the cares of the world and go truly one of lifes pleasures. it is definitely not unique to Aikido practice: Think of going all out with swords and Naginatas wizzing at your head in a prolonged ninety step kory kata designed to tax you, and you will understand the idea of the zone...think of being wrapped up by a guy who outweights you and is pressing you and you have room to move unless you make room, and you can envision that zone.... in a different art! People find it in different activities, some people look for increased pressure to maintain it within, but I have a hunch everyone is still experiencing that same state of being.

Last edited by DH : 06-19-2011 at 08:45 AM.
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