Thread: Strength vs Ki.
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Old 06-19-2011, 08:03 AM   #294
Nicholas Eschenbruch
Dojo: TV Denzlingen
Location: Freiburg
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 323
Re: Strength vs Ki.

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
Hello Nicholas
I think most Aikido dojo in fact due function in that role, in various forms. but it wasn't that role or type of dojo that was being discussed.
When you think about it how many people want or need that kind of pressure in their hobby. I train with a lot people in Aikido, many if not most are the professional type, married, with kids, have full lives and are not too concerned with getting in a fight any time soon. They have a "My budo is mentally and physically stimulating enough for me...thank you very much." kind of attitude.
I see nothing wrong with that. Its healthy and fun. Almost all of us from Aikido to DR, to BJJ, to Judo are somewhere in the middle, self aware, and having fun. And not confused about the reality of their own choices.
The other postive aspects that function within that paradigm is the mental game of trying to pull something off, in balance, yes with cooperation, that does something very positive to people mentally. I know plenty of people that have talked about that aspect of aikido (and other budo) helping them in their daily lives.
So here you have a physical and mental practice that offers physical and mental challenges to people that brings value to their lives. Not bad eh? To me, those are not the people that fit Meik Skosses term of "Aikibunnies."

Oh, one other thing. No I don't think you have to go all out into MMA and are somehow less than if you don't. I've never thought that way.
To be fair, there -are- grades of pressure testing in budo though. Those who chose or choose to play in more pressured environments deserve as much credit for the realities of their choices. You hear just as much derision aimed at grapplers as some sort of meat head. When in fact grappling is done by the same broad range of people that do other budo. I guess I am more concerned that all of us have a balanced view of what we do.

In my previous post,I was (only) discussing that other extreme, lets call it far off the beam from average. They are not exclusive to aikio either. Those who's practice is "out there" in the first place and who actually think that hyper cooperative playing with movement, and defending with "spiritual ki" is going to work with someone trying to do you harm.
To me those are the aikibunnies
Hi Dan,
thanks for the clarification, I hear you. I guess the more extreme varieties you describe I would just ignore.... maybe that's what I have partly done in this thread sorry.

To me, part of the beauty of doing Aikido is that any "spiritual" claim needs to be translated into movement and interaction if it is to hold true... that's why it's little use doing it over the internet.

I was not aware Meik Skoss coined the term "aikibunny"? I tend to proudly appropriate it, though with some irony I guess.

Have a nice day
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