Thread: Strength vs Ki.
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Old 06-18-2011, 09:59 PM   #286
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Strength vs Ki.

Greg Steckel wrote: View Post
Yeah, but let's say on that journey you ask the friend to pay their half share of the cost and they say you invited me - then you say: so, you still need to pay; then your friend takes a swing at you - so, who leads that journey
It isn't martial. It never will be. I get confused when they start quoting "Budo is love" when it was used for many attrocities. In this case, Ueshiba, who taught assassins and hard core right wing military people, who later in his career gave people concusion, broke hips in randori, knocked people out... on and on.
Spiritual ki that resolves conflict in a dojo? It's fantasy that they cannot fulfill. You will not find a single dojo that trains this way, not even one, who has a capable fighter as the attacker. Why? They are not capable of defending themselves against one using their described methods.
On the other hand, playing with movement can be fun and that is what they are truly doing.
On the other...other hand, playing with ki strength and aiki, can be incredibly martial, no matter who is attacking.

Last edited by DH : 06-18-2011 at 10:06 PM.
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