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Old 06-16-2011, 04:24 AM   #122
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Basics, basics, basics

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: View Post
You know Graham, I was thinking much the same, you have been upfront with me and that I can respect, however my directness does have a way at getting to the bottom of things, be it abrasive for some and hilarious for others, I suppose it much depends on the thickness of one's skin and skull. I don't consider myself the best "aikidoka" or "aikijudoka" (depending on how you look at it) in the world, nor am I the worst, but at least I'm honest in how I think.
P taking aside you seem an allright kind of bloke keep up the good posts, some you leave me bewildered , some quite sound but at least entertaining....
Ha ha. ditto on the last part, it's all good fun. You know what I was thinking last night after training? I was seeing how we train differently and on some points and maybe many (who knows) may be completely at odds with each other but on one famous topic we're comrades in arms. It is amusing if nothing else.

Suddenly a thought and a tune came to mind and had me laughing my socks off. There was you and me (cartoon style) and in came the tune from Ghostbusters but instead of the words Ghostbusters in the song it came out as 'Who ya gonna call?--Scam busters!!!'

Thought that would give you a giggle.

Oh, and here's a nice spiritual validation from me to you. You do have an x factor quality which many don't have and is very pertinent to martial arts. Prepare to be hypno'd ha ha.

From my view you have a much misunderstood and quite rare quality and that is warrior spirit.

Maybe you should make a course out of it, a nice scam.

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