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Old 06-15-2011, 12:32 PM   #114
Nicholas Eschenbruch
Dojo: TV Denzlingen
Location: Freiburg
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 323
Re: Basics, basics, basics

Hanna Björk wrote: View Post
Is it the normal thing at Aikiweb, these days. That a discussion about aikido basics turns into a discussion about Dan Harden?

If yes, why is it so?
Good question... I guess people who need a lot of attention found out that it is easy to get it that way. After a while, no one cares anymore how tough you were when you were young, or who the first person to perfom aikido on the Orkney islands was, so you have to find another way to get bandwith. So you turn to IS to get attention, because you noticed some people feel passionate about it, you bs along, and then sadly Dan cannot keep his mouth --- ouch, no, dont kick me, no.... (hopping away bunny fashion, but on one leg, breathing hard through the toes of the other)
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