Thread: Strength vs Ki.
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Old 06-15-2011, 02:07 AM   #166
Dojo: Templegate Dojo
Location: Bristol
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 129
United Kingdom
Re: Strength vs Ki.

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: View Post
Aikikai aikido? Shodokan, Yoshinkan, Iwama, what do you do?
This is relevant because...?

Attilio Anthony John Wagstaffe wrote: View Post
Not frightened, embarrased....
Less exposure more cultish.... greater knowledge by going about it oneself and learning from others who are not "secretive". Gullible prefer a good mystery as its irresistible or for a reason which nobody seems to understand because they don't = must have it before all the others as its new and nobody else has it yet, got to have it or I'm stuffed without it as my image is on the line, oh shit better go and do it..... got my "badge" as it was issued by the Guru, I'm "safe" cause others like me have done it to..... Phew!

If a good film comes on at the cinema like the latest Pirates of the Caribbean mark 4 everybody goes to it because we know it's going to be good entertainment, not because it's Jonny Debt (he has none at present) but because of all the other popular's in the cast plus its raw entertainment aspect. We know that Jonny is an actor and quite good in most peoples eyes, but supposing its an unknown actor would we we all go to watch it and pay good money, I doubt it.... Part of the reason of why it became popular was of it's previews and it worked and has become a cult almost .
Let me get this clear... taking the pieces from your argument you're saying that; less exposure = more cultish... so a better approach is more like Johnny Depp and the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, which became popular because of the previews, and became a cult almost; doesn't this seem bass ackwards to you? Dan's lack of videos make it cultish but he should be like Johnny Depp and have a cult with video previews? I think you meandered off the trail a mite there.

With regards to the rambling nonsense about badges and image and competing to get it before the "others" get it; I freely admit and tell people I train with and who train with me that I don't know everything, am still working to improve my skills in areas where I do know things and am always looking to improve rather than try to rest upon some imagined laurels and stagnate by assuming/believing I know it all; I guess that's where we differ...

I was having a nose at your videos on youtube (you're user "towag" right? otherwise I was watching some other guy) and thought it was interesting the way you have a distinction between your kata and "applied" videos; is this what you mean by testing things under pressure with an uke who's giving you something real to work with?

Since this thread is indeed getting to be something of a Pirates of the Caribbean 5 I'm going to leave this as my last response to you, until there is some fresh material; I personally tend to watch films on recommendations mainly and avoid watching trailers on the whole since they often spoil a good movie by picking out only the best bits and leave the viewer with an incomplete or incorrect impression of what the movie will be like; did you pick out the best bits in your "previews"?

Last edited by mrlizard123 : 06-15-2011 at 02:11 AM.

Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile
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