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Old 06-14-2011, 09:13 PM   #102
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: Basics, basics, basics

Tony. On the topic of i/p or i/s or whatever I now see where they are coming from and that kind of internal strength conditioning has been around for donkeys years. So I see no qualms with it per se.

Saying that's what Ueshiba did and Tohei did I disagree with though.

More to the point though, the dressing up and presentation, the attitude, the secrecy, the boastfulness. These are the things I dislike.

A friend of mine took his wife and kids to live in some communal village in cornwall only two years ago. He went because he said they are more his kind of people. They are kind of new age types yet all working and professional. Every week there are seminars in all kinds of things spiritual from yoga to pilates to who knows what.

He kept phoning me to come down and do some Aikido as they are all in to that kind of thing. (his words) I always politely refused and it confused him because he didn't believe me when I told him theyre not my kind of spiritual.

Anyway to cut a long story short, after a year they left and came back to london a bit disillusioned and wondering how I knew they would be. You see they went there with one impression of spiritual and found something else. They found that everyone went to all these different seminars and courses yet all they did was find some principle from one that they liked and found beneficial, go away and research some more about it, repackage it and present it as a new phenomena based on old principles and make a business.

They were now the experts, people came to their courses, their asked to do presentations etc etc.

Business! Of course these people can justify theyve done this that and the other and come up with a better way of delivering, a new way hallelujah. Personally I see them as dilettantes. Dillettantes with a business mind skill hence they're always practicing and learning and developing but do have the ability to package and promote and present in a usable form.

Sound familiar?

Not my way of doing things and as to the efficacy of it well you know my view. So that's my final input on that touchy side of the equasion. I'll refrain from any more discussion on it from now on.

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