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Old 06-14-2011, 08:18 PM   #100
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,211
United Kingdom
Re: Basics, basics, basics

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
316 Students who trained at my dojo.
762 Seminar attendees.
All seduced by my charms? This just gets better and better. I have to tell Bill this tomorrow. Maybe, I'll blow him a kiss, and then run!

Add Ark
Add Mike
Add the Japanese Shihans (one, a life long friend of doshu) going outside the art to learn the same stuff.
Add Ikeda going to two different people, both outside the art,
Add a host of 5th dans, 4th dans, and students of various rank-mostly yudansha- from a variety of arts...
All going outside the art to learn the same stuff

You have to-by sheer logic- now address all of these others who are all going outside of aikido to find the same stuff.

Care to explain to all of us:
1.How did this disparate group of Aikido, Karate, Chinese, and MMA students and teachers from different continents all got together with men
2. Themselves don't even know each other ..
3. Learn a related body of work they some how magically know
4. All these teachers.... got conned together?

Your logic falls flat on it's face.

Try this
Dear Mr. Shihan or teacher of 35 years. You don't get it and I don't think you have the brains or judgment to see that all of this is and was in Aikido. I already know all of this stuff. And since you yourself are now teaching some of the new stuff you are learning outside of the art and openly discussing that it came from outside the art as well. I think you too have become a con artist, huckster and snake oil salesman.
Tony Wagstaffe

Try addressing that to Ikeda or any of the other teachers from Biranki to Aikikai to ASU. See how much traction you get out of that ill conceived logic.

That's strange Dan I'm not ranked Shihan, only 4th dan, not interested in having a rank, shank or what ever you care to mention, and who are these people that you are have supposed to have met that know me and think so well of me? I'm curious? Well as of the orgs and people you talk about I have no contact, only what I've heard, seen and read on here. Some are great some not so great and most are in the USA? Who's Ikeda? Heard of and seen Chiba Sensei and like his style, also Isoyama Sensei to, He is a nice fellow. As for all these others sorry haven't a clue. All my stuff I have come to my own conclusion, most of it is from the Tomiki or Shodokan style of aikido which much of the traditional world tend to dismiss as aikido, with the exception of a few.... me I'm just a beginner with a bit of real experience, you? A braggard with no history to tell of as it seems nobody seems to know....? Except your fans in these orgs and a few in the UK.... hmmm?
Reminds me of a story when in Singapore 1970 in an outside bar in Boogy strasa when a bunch of American Sailors came along and one started bragging about the size of his navy and how was the smallest navy in the world. Muscles, a short thin wiry OEM sparky jumped up and said how is the second effing best?. There was a right old ding dong, blood, shit and snot all over the show, the place/ bar was wrecked and so were those American sailors, we were a bit miffed and a few ripped ears, busted noses and ripped uniforms. The good part was we all shook hands, all forked out to the damage to the bar, the braggard was out cold and had to get medical attention, seems one of his own belted him over the bonks with a bottle for being such a pratt.....
Sound similar Dan?

Last edited by Tony Wagstaffe : 06-14-2011 at 08:25 PM.
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