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Old 05-11-2011, 12:23 AM   #53
Reuben's Avatar
Dojo: Aikido Seishinkan
Location: Kuching
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 111
Re: Effective udekimenage against resistance

Joe Curran wrote: View Post
Dear Rueben,
The primary objective i Aikido is to avoid being hit.The Irimi /Tenkan motion should if applied correctly put you close to the boxer , but on his dead side.Next thing try and establish control of leading hand , preferably when the motion of the arm is going forward.Difficult to achieve control of an arm/forearm if its retracting.As far as the elbow joint is concerned there must be a direct attack on the joint-if not the guy will barely move/stumble forward .As far as atemi is concerned I would not attack the face -attack in the region of soft tissue rib area.As I said this is not an easy type of opponent to deal with, care must be taken.Apply leverage on elbow /wrist area and drive/use your total body to effect kusushi /kake on Uke. Another point , blend with your opponent,
lead his mind if possible.[I suggest you research articles on subject -Path of an Echo]
cheers, joe
Thanks Joe! Your replies are very insightful and I was hoping I could trouble you with a few more to clarify some things.

I know we can't apply udekimenage in certain situations and these situations often change.

I guess this question is divided into three parts (sorry couldn't be more concise).

Question 1: My question is in what ideal but plausible situation can we apply udekimenage relating to the entry and control?

I am assuming this is from a cross which is closest to how we practice tsuki since a jab is in most cases non-commital and fast. My aiki-solution to jabs is just to parry, or to maintain ma-ai

Would I need to move my body and establish control of the hand before he pulls back his punching arm? I feel that this is only possible if the punch itself is not balanced and slow in retracting or nage has already anticipated the cross.

One of the difficulties is that although there are I times where my timing is good and I can indeed cut the hand before it retracts but the moment he feels the grip, there's an instinct for uke to pull back the hand rather than to overextend it. This happens VERY fast often unconsciously by uke.

Is udekimenage then not the right technique to do and it's better to just do an irimi throw and something else that appears more natural? If so then udekimenage has some use albeit a rather limited role (where a punch is unbalanced and the uke is slow in pulling back).

Question 2: In facing an assailant who does not attack in one swift attack but rather squares off to you before teeing off, what is a valid Aiki strategy?

How I view Aikido against such an assailant is that I should evade or parry (or in Aiki terms, redirect) the the non committal or setup attacks (for e.g. jabs), perhaps throwing in some atemi to create attempts to move in or break the opponent's rhythm and once he does indeed overextend himself then it's time to spring into action (which was my approach in the video).

I understand Aikido is not to be seen as a sparring art, but not all self defense situations are one where the uke is enraged and charging you and throwing wild punches. There are some who may have a little experience in punching and know better than to open with a huge single attack unless it's a sucker punch (I think anyone who has brawled before will know this).

Question 3:The throw itself is actually therefore a direct attack on the elbow joint rather than a true 'throw'?

I often get the stumble forward reaction even when I apply with a deep entering and projection down and forward. Uke says he feels the projection and the power of the projection but feels he can still remain standing.

Is therefore the only way for this to be applied is a very direct attack on the joint and if he resists he then breaks his elbow? (assuming this is not training). Does the leg position of nage have anything to do with assisting with the throw? (see my first post where I ask whether we should use our front leg to act as a sort of a 'trip'.
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