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Old 05-05-2011, 04:57 PM   #121
Demetrio Cereijo
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,248
Re: Tadashi Abe and Kenji Tomiki and their criticism

Jason Casteel wrote: View Post
Anyway, I got off on a ramble there, but the point is that I made myself one of the "chosen few" and anyone who is interested can do the same with just a little effort. People who are unhappy with their aikido, feel cheated by it or whatever and are waiting to have something proven to them before making efforts to fix it, probably don't have the mindset to do it in the first place. They could have done plenty to fix their aikido before Mike and Dan showed up and they didn't, so their disappointment and trust issues are largely their own.
Hi Jason,

I think I understad what you mean and I've also looking to fix my issues with aikido (going outside aikido, of course, I'm a lost cause for aikido) and helping others to find quality IP/Aiki instruction also outside of aikido because, the people who is teaching it, people like Dan, Mike, Ark, Howard, Ushiro, etc., are not aikido instructors.

Chris Li wrote:
Dan Harden and Mike Sigman are both in the US. Ark has visited the US. Both of them and Ark have been to Europe.

For example, in Honolulu, which is a smallish city, Dan Harden has been here a number of times and will be back in July. Mike Sigman will be here in July, Sam Chin will be here in September.

Excuses are vanishing...
Hi Chris,

Which one of them is an aikido shihan from a recognized aikido org?

There are no Shodokan (Tomiki) dojo in Honolulu, does that mean that it is an "underground" art?
It could be argued Shodokan is not aikido in a strict sense as it's ouside of the aikido iemoto system and their teaching methods are in contradiction with founder's and his heirs ideals about what aikido is.

In any case, I would't say Shodokan is mainstream aikido.

Plenty there if you know what you're looking at. Not much, maybe, if you don't. That's one reason why the videos that everyone demands are of such little use.
What if the little use ot these clips is because they don't show clearly the effects of IP/Aiki in resisting, uncooperative and trained opponents? Why there are no videos of IP/Aiki with "aliveness"?

Anyway, may be I'm wrong in my predictions about IP/Aiki being taught in the majority of aikido dojo in the next 20 or 30 years. Time will tell but I don't see it happening.


Last edited by Demetrio Cereijo : 05-05-2011 at 05:07 PM. Reason: clarification
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