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Old 04-14-2011, 10:09 PM   #8
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Re: Do You Stand Straight Up?

Wow - that? Really? I just call that trying to demo something, the uke comes in with more penetration than wanted for the demo, and letting the technique go dead so one can complete the demo - all while the camera was rolling. I would not call that a structural representation.

Other than that, as I said, there is a postive lean to my Aikido - to my fighting. No doubt about that.

If one needs to be erect to have the six harmonies - which is what I'm understanding you to say - are the six harmonies not present when Osensei is leaning all throughout his Asahi video?

It's interesting that Dean has a different take then yours on the positive lean - though he's practicing a Koryu. How does that fit in? Or is that completely separate?

For me, the erect posture that is quite visible in a lot of current Aikido is something I turned away from. For me, for example, for what I do, it does not lend itself to stressful situations. Under stress, the positive lean is instinctual and impossible to avoid. The erect posture, for me, seems more akin to non-combat training environments. Hence, why, I believe, we see its over-emphasis in arts that make a predominant use of non-combat/not-live arenas of application - like the majority of contemporary Aikido.

David M. Valadez
Visit our web site for articles and videos. Senshin Center - A Place for Traditional Martial Arts in Santa Barbara.
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