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Old 04-07-2011, 07:02 AM   #15
john.burn's Avatar
Dojo: Chishin Dojo
Location: Coventry
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 200
United Kingdom
Re: slap or silent in ukemi?

I'm definitely in the silent camp, whether rolling or taking a break-fall. My thinking is that why would you also not want to blend with the floor and adsorb it as opposed to whacking it...

I was talking to a guy from France last year who recounted a tale of a jodo guy in his club with a lot of experience who slipped over going up some stairs and his muscle memory kicked in... two broken hands / arms later and he began to wonder if slapping was such a good idea!

When we get visitors it's nearly always obvious who they study with depending on how they move and fall. Guess it's the same with us mind you.

Best Regards,
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