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Old 03-09-2011, 05:24 PM   #1
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,211
United Kingdom
The book Positive Aikido....

I recently purchased a copy of the book Positive Aikido…. A book about the early days of aikido in the UK in the 1950's and onwards…….. Having read it and relating to it, I can to some extent well understand the difficulties and challenges that would have brought. I started aikido in 1975 when it was still relatively unknown in the UK.

The aikidoka of today have a great debt to these pioneers. It should be bought as a valuable reminder to the true realities that so many aikidoka of today take for granted…..

A book really well worth reading and a definite no no to all those who prefer to dance, do yoga and generally do not understand the true worth of this devastatingly effective martial art. Having now read the book I am better able to see why Sensei Ellis frowns on so much that is offered as Aikido today...I really enjoyed it's no nonsense approach to Aikido as a Martial Art..

I hope to meet Sensei Ellis and Sensei Eastman and have the book signed one day very soon, and also buy them the pint(s) of their favourite beer that I should have bought them both 34 years ago for a great and rewarding session of aikido at the Winchester Judo & Martial Arts club !! Which I am sure Ellis & Eastman Sensei's don't remember as well as I do!!
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