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Old 02-28-2011, 02:52 AM   #25
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,211
United Kingdom
Re: Is your Aikido as a Martial Art up to Reality?

Henry Ellis wrote: View Post
Hi Tony

I remember a few years back when I met a senior student of a ` softer` style. He told me he was on a tube train in London, he and his wife and two kids were seriously abused, bad mouthed and pushed back and forth by a gang of yobs...He admitted that he felt that he could not protect his family.....There was worse to come later when his wife gave him so much `pony` for all the Aikido practice nights and years he had neglected her and the home for this to happen....
I didn't like to ask if he had given them a stern look or had a polite chat with them.....

Henry Ellis
Hello Henry, Hope your spirits are high.....

Would that be "Negative Aikido" with a big N? Maybe we should ask his wife to write a book on it ......