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Old 02-27-2011, 04:21 PM   #12
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
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Re: Is your Aikido as a Martial Art up to Reality?

Dave de Vos wrote: View Post
Should a martial art be concerned with street effectiveness to be called a martial art?

How about kendo, kyudo, iaido, sumo?
Are these martial arts? I think yes.
Do these arts train to be effective on the street? I have no experience in any of these arts, but I think street effectiveness is not a major concern here.

Some martial arts are more concerned with street effectiveness. I guess kyokushin karate and systema would fall in this category.

My understanding is that aikido is somewhere in between.
Sumo is an art of grappling and the foreunner of all jujutsu.....
Iaido or iajutsu is drawing of the sword, dispatching your enemy as fast as possible, cleaning your blade and re sheathing it, which is a martial art form we cannot carry out in reality now. You would soon find yourself incarcerated if you did!! I practise it myself....
Kendo would be extremely painful without the armour and is a practical method of sword play without swords. However they do have a beneficial effect on ones jujutsu or in your case your aikido?
Kyudo is archery, but now more a form of meditation, so has no practical use other than to try to hit the target which is of secondary importance.....
That leaves us with judo and aikido, really one and the same arts derived from many hundreds of ryu of jujutsu, which were intended for self defence. We all know that all the arts were practised by the samurai, Some which lost there effectiveness during the Tokugawa isolation and the reawakening of effectiveness through Kano's judo and Mr Takeda's jujutsu, therefore put the two together and one has an hybrid art, which to some extent in my eyes is effective.
As for the new arts such as MMA, I personally think that is where the future lies for those who want self defence effectiveness, couple that with a good study of a joint locking art (aikido) and you can become quite formidable..... We need to reintroduce the atemi and newaza back into aikido and make use of it. It doesn't have to be taboo....
In my mind any grappling art should be effective for the modern world as we have no use for swords in a modern society, but we do need a good form of legitimate self defence, which is to take responsibility for ourselves, to stay healthy and be able to defend yourself, your family, and lastly society from harm. If we all did this I am sure there would be a lot more respect and mutual agreement in society as a whole....