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Old 02-22-2011, 04:16 PM   #45
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: On M. Tennenhouse

Toby Threadgill wrote: View Post
Hi Demetrio,

Sure, we can agree to disagree but it was David Orange that posed the question. It's up to him to qualify or stipulate what constitutes a "full account".

(It's obvious a language issue exists here given you misunderstood my use of the word "qualifications" in my previous post (think requirements, stipulations, conditions) so we could be talking past one another.)

It is my impression that David wanting the full story meant he wanted to hear the story from someone who was actually there as opposed to the half baked 3rd hand rumors that are floating around the aikido community. David never implied in my mind that he was seeking something on the order of court evidence and/or legal depositions.

David...If you're out there, are you satisfied you got the "full account"? Between what's been presented by me and Marc Abrams I can't think of anything relevant to add. If something we said was off base I'm sure George and or Lynn would step in to clarify.


If we wanted to add more, we could point out that MT's Q & A was an attempt on his part to "teach" his "way." My impressions were that a) he did not have a clue as to the teaching methodology behind static grabs b) did not have a real understanding of the basics of a proper attack c) did not have a real understanding of the basics of a kokyu-nage. Needless to say, that "starting point" was the beginning of the train wreck...... My fond recollection of the end of that episode was Mr. Threadgill and Mr. Williams following MT out to the back door as he tried to escape from having to answer questions that they asked about his training, rank, etc....

Marc Abrams