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Old 02-22-2011, 09:51 AM   #30
Demetrio Cereijo
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,248
Re: On M. Tennenhouse

Lorel Latorilla wrote: View Post

Why are you defending this MT bloke? I'm just curious.
I'm not defending him, read my previous posts.

What things do we have to learn about this trainwreck of a man?
Its not about learning from him, its about learning about how things happen in the modern budo subculture.

Marc and Toby were both there. Are you suggesting that they were embellishing something just so they can purposely defame the man?
I'm not suggesting some kind of aiki conspiracy against MT. I'm suggesting the complete history, all the relevant data, oppinions (what David Orange was asking for) is not available. For good causes possibly, but available is not.

[quote]Are you suggesting that some of the guys there were deliberately assholes towards the guy? Like Toby said, the dude could have ended up in the hospital if it was a different venue./QUOTE]
Deliberately or unconsciously or as a justified and deserved reaction to MT behaviour. Aikido people can be assholes too. They are no emotionless enlightened ascetic monks nor skirt wearing vulcanians. MT could have ended in a hospital if this happened in a different environment. Probably. Your point?

You were told by a guy who was not involved in the MT affair? You ARE told by a people who were INVOLVED in the MT affair--these guys have everything to lose if they were to defame MT like that...MT could press charges for defamation (or libel--sorry my knowledge of law sucks).
Saying a guy sucks at aikido can be seen as defamation or libel? Really? Are the USA so different?

But he wouldn't because 1) they caught him on tape 2) they have record of what he wrote on Aikiweb and Aikijournal. What would these guys have to gain from defaming a train-wreck like MT?
Nothing, but where is the defamation? In saying MT can't pull a decent Ikkyo? Seriously?

These are all guys with different back grounds in martial arts and associations--was MT some kind of powerhouse heretic that these guys had to put him down in a cruel and Machiavellian way?
Or they simply overreacted. With the available data any conclusion is possible depending on individual agendas.