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Old 02-18-2011, 03:16 PM   #273
mathewjgano's Avatar
Dojo: Tsubaki Kannagara Jinja Aikidojo; Himeji Shodokan Dojo
Location: Renton
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Re: New Internal Style of The Wooden Staff

Tenyu Hamaki wrote: View Post
I'm using this platform to inform people about peak oil because it's something that'll affect everyone's lives in the near future yet almost no one knows of it. The house is on fire and I'm giving the opportunity for people to find out about it if they want to.
Well, I agree that's an important topic! And I don't personally have a problem with going off-topic. Conversations do that (probably mine as much as anyone's). Still, I believe you began by saying you didn't want to get into peak oil and instead wanted to talk about your understanding of aiki.
Mostly I was trying to steer the conversation back to aiki. We now all know a bit about your history; you've been given a variety of advice based on that; let's move on and discuss that thing we like to do. To me and my beginner's mind, that's the gist of the thing anyway (minus the talking itself, for the most part).

I could talk all day about Aikido but that wouldn't be efficient. Is there anything you'd like to know specifically about the staff or Aikido in general?
Efficient at what though? And how would I know where to begin to ask the questions most pertinent to your understanding?
Well, how would you describe your approach to teaching Aikido? What were planning for your first class? I don't have much experience, but I typically flew by the seat of my pants. I taught kids though so I could "fake it" when I had to (adults don't generally respond well to shiko-roll-freeze-tag as an appropriate Aikido activity ). Because I taught kids (6-12 y/o range) I focused more on basic coordination and ukemi to mention "fun," for without it, young kids will get distracted.
We did regular boktoh practice every class (mostly shomenuchi practice) and one or two of the kids began learning jo kata with me before class, but that's about it. My understanding of weapons is fairly limited.
...As for "internal" focused stuff, just furitama and torifuneundo as warm-ups.

Last edited by mathewjgano : 02-18-2011 at 03:26 PM.

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