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Old 02-18-2011, 10:23 AM   #103
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Future of Aikido

Keith Larman wrote: View Post
The first time I saw silk reeling I immediately flashed on Futari Sayu Kaeshi-lkkyo. How's that for terminology... Hmmm, another way to approach and teach the technique.
And therein lies the rub.
Personal experience: Not having any experience in taiji nor claiming to, I was shown a certain outer movement by an Chinese expert in the field. I didn't pay allot of attention to the outer form as it matched some things I knew from a Japanese art-which sure as hell was not driven by the outer form. Teacher comes over again, watches....puts his hands all over my middle and asks "No taiji?" The tells me I am doing *chansi jin* It wasn't because of my outer form. Had a repeat a year later, though more in depth. They applied terms to something from a different cultures art.
Now I compare that to friends from that art who were...uhm...not doing the same things as me...on the inside. So where would we presumably be getting this alleged consensus to what is supposed to be being done in a form?
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