Thread: Tameshigiri
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Old 02-06-2011, 03:50 PM   #15
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Tameshigiri

Keith Larman wrote: View Post
If your only criterion is successfully cutting the target it is easy. Sharp sword, soft target. Not that complicated.

If you, however, want to actually do it in such a way that you could survive a confrontation with a motivated opponent who also has a sharp pointy, ....
I understand that, Keith, and I think that's pretty obvious to the most casual observer. But that's not what the O.P. was about. In the O.P. I simply observed that cutting Tameshigiri mats isn't very hard. If you're saying that you don't think I can cut a mat like that with a sharp blade, let's make a bet and get down to it.

I think all of us recognize that handling a sword for a real fight, etc., is something else entirely and would take a lot of practice. That's stating the obvious. It's also why in the late 1960's I quit practicing with various kobudo weapons.... why would I spend a lot of time practicing proficiency with weapons that I'm likely to never have with me in the event of a real fight? So while I realize that some people are taking my simple comment about cutting a mat as somehow an affront to manhood and so on, please don't take it that way. I made a simple observation. If you don't think I can cut a rolled up mat without knowing all those other fancy things, let's set up the terms of get on with it. I could use the dough.


Last edited by Mike Sigman : 02-06-2011 at 03:53 PM.