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Old 02-04-2011, 12:55 PM   #413
Dojo: Aunkai
Location: Fairfax, VA
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 429
Re: Why do you perceive "internal" superior to athleticism?

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Heh. I have to tip my hat to Chris for putting that video up (I didn't see it at the time he posted). Thanks for helping to keep the bar raised, Chris.

Mike Sigman
I give Chris a lot of credit for doing a shot to shot remake of the original video. The effects on his partner look superficially similar to the other video, but he doesn't initiate his movement in the same way as the original.

Chris did a nice recreation of ark's demo at the end with the partner on his back. Again its not the same thing. For example I only recently learned that you are supposed to "be under" (I did my best to explan this via a previous post) your own lifted leg, but I have no clue how to actually do that yet as I only recently started to figure out how to be under my own arms. That being said, Chris did a good job of showing what strong muscles and balance can achieve,

If anyone is interested, I can give an attempt to point out the differences and hopefully have others chime in where I might be right or wrong.
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