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Old 02-02-2011, 10:41 PM   #10
Walter Martindale
Location: Edmonton, AB
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 802
Re: Starting Aikido?

Um... I had a sensei at the early stages of my Aikido who said he wouldn't give 5th kyu to someone if he didn't think he could "take" a shodan in most other martial arts.
Do I believe I could "take" a shodan in most other martial arts? - Don't really want to find out. Did he believe that? I'm not sure, but he told me I'd get a 5th kyu no problem and promoted me for third kyu test without ever going for 4th...
Anyway - I guess it all depends on the sensei and the dojo. If you want to test yourself, spend a year or so at each of 5 different MA schools and get yourself REALLY confused.

Regarding the strength issue - Another of my senseis used to say sure, don't need to use your strength, but if you've got it, use it...
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