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Old 02-02-2011, 10:33 PM   #405
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 1,318
Re: Why do you perceive "internal" superior to athleticism?

Keith Larman wrote: View Post
I'll also point out that for those who are paying attention, there is quite a movement that has been going on in the last few years in the world of exercise. Many criticisms I've seen of modern exercise is based on stuff that is probably 10-20 years out of date. I've got friends who are personal trainers who are vastly more focused on "functional" fitness. Yes, weight bearing training still happens, but how it is done is totally different. Weight machines are in general not that helpful since they ignore the larger picture by the very nature of their design; isolating individual muscles or groups. Instead you're seeing more and more people doing things with heavy ropes, kettlebells, even long, heavy, flexible poles. In some ways it started with the focus on "core". Now they realize that it's about how everything attaches to the core and so all can be used at the same time, unified, connected. Any weakness in the chain and the whole things falls apart. So we're back to pushups done in more specific ways, lots of picking up heavy stuff and simply carrying it from point A to B. Swinging heavy sticks trying to control it with your entire body. Trying to put a wave down a long, heavy rope. Etc.
Which is actually more of a return to the pre-exercise machine era than anything radically new. It turns out -- as you said -- that isolation exercises are best used as a supplement to address specific weaknesses, rather than the core of a program.

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