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Old 01-31-2011, 06:56 AM   #278
Nicholas Eschenbruch
Dojo: TV Denzlingen
Location: Freiburg
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 323
Re: Why do you perceive "internal" superior to athleticism?

Daniel Lloyd wrote: View Post
I totally agree with Chris on all points/arguments. I don't see why everyone keeps attacking Chris like they do. Its good to think about things in a different way. So keep rocking the boat Chris!
Don't know. Seems to me more like somebody jumping up and down to rock a supertanker while the crew is trying to persuade them to come to the bar and have a cold beer...
Of course, different crew member try different approaches.

Phi Truong wrote: you know years ago when we didn't have youtube or facebook or many others electronic communication means. on the words of some folks, we would hop on buses, train, planes and what not, to travel for hundreds of miles to attend seminars in hope to find some interesting things to learn. now a day, we seemed to be less willing to travel across the street to do the same.
Great point. Either you are interested in finding out, then you go and find out. Or you are not, but then why spend bandwidth, or wait for the perfect descriptive language to appear.

I really dont see why anybody should get involved with the IS paradigm if they dont want to. I, for one, find it benefitial, it makes a lot of sense to me and is fun, but whatever rocks your boat. Also, I am just a hopeless athlete.

Last edited by Nicholas Eschenbruch : 01-31-2011 at 06:59 AM. Reason: spelling
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