Thread: My Rope Theory
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Old 01-20-2011, 05:56 PM   #43
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
Location: london
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,697
Re: My Rope Theory

Charles David Henderson wrote: View Post
First, that's not what you said -- you said he already "done" what Mary described as making a generous offer to lead the unified masses after making a call for unity.

Second, he is called O Sensei for self-evident reasons.

Third, his role in the international expansion of Aikido, as I recall it, was not a call to unify the aikido world. In fact, that expansion began when "aikido" was still fairly "unified." As often happens, with success comes bickering.

As for the rope analogy -- it's got a nice egalitarian ring to it, but you haven't addressed Jon's point about "integrity of the art" being "dependent upon the competency prevelant within."

That's why I see the tree metaphor as a bit different. If you cut a limb from a tree and stuck it in the ground, which do you think more likely -- that the tree will grow a new limb, or that the limb will sprout roots of its own (granted both are possible)?

Not that I'm saying one image is "truer" than another, btw.
Hi David.

First, yes I did and that's what I meant. He did indeed make a call for unity and indeed the way of harmony many times after the second world war and then generously in my opinion offered Aikido as a way which he led.

O'Sensei title as being self evident? (not sure what you're getting at there)

As for answering that part of what Jon said then I take it you agree with it? Anyway, for both you and him I shall try.

Jons point on integrity of the art and being dependent on the competency prevalent within I agree with as it is a pretty self- evidential statement but frictional discourse? How about non-frictional? To differenciate here I mean debate rather than argument. Debate can get a little frictional but argument is completely frictional.

If Jon meant it this way then I agree. If he didn't then that's also good for it's just two different viewpoints, no big deal.

Hope this clears up your 'concerns'

To say one more thing here. If your style of cutting out and presenting sentences and bits of sentences is your way of getting an understanding of what was meant then it is welcome and maybe it reflects you are quite a good swordsman.(hee,hee)
If it is just a method to try and make wrong it's a waste of a good talent.

Regards. G.
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