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Old 01-13-2011, 01:49 PM   #65
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Ki Exercise Exchange

Mary Eastland wrote: View Post
Our whole training is based on this...Dan, I respect your ideas...everytime you are invited to the Berkshires you dissapear or change the subject. Is it becuase Ron and I have invited you to exhange ideas and not be students? I think if you visited us with an open mind you might be surprised.
We are training in the parameters in what we believe Aikido to be...I think that is different than what you are doing. The development of a strong center is part of the process...not the only focus of it.
Oh heck no Mary
I have been very very busy.
I am very open to sharing ideas. Since I don't think any one person has it all, and also even with a common goal I think we will find that people can have neat little tricks and tips they developed to get it.

Remember...and no kidding...I don't have "students," nor any agenda of making students either. Here is a an idea to help frame my mindset. I have closed my dojo twice when too many people were showing up, I refuse to be called sensei and I don't charge money for local people to train. SO that sort of blows up the recruiting idea doesn't it? EIther that or I suck at it.
Do I have to come alone or can we have a dojo meet up? I Have some great guys and gals who might want to make the trip out to the beautiful country.
I will P.M my cell and info.
Hey I also offered to meet you here as well and you never showed .
All the best
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