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Old 01-10-2011, 02:46 PM   #8
Russ Q
Dojo: Shohei Juku Aikido Gibsons
Location: Gibsons BC
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 192
Re: What Is Your Responsibility in Training?

Hello Sensei,

I won't answer to your original question except to say Janet pretty much said it all. I will say that the "master class" seminar with Saotome sensei in early 2010 was much needed. The best part was it was restricted to intermediate and high ranks (no one below nidan) and thus begat a certain expectation in ability. If one was invited then you'd better represent well re: paying attention and, ultimately, doing what was shown. If one wasn't ready or interested in absolutely taking advantage of that training opportunity then they were a fool. For me, I felt it one of the most worthwhile seminars I've attended. I think everyone there realized the import of the situation.

I believe shihan who are worried about transmission should retool their seminars to include only students of rank (choose your minimum rank....) and conduct workshops annually. These attendees can then take home the knowledge. These same shihan should also be promoting their higher ranked students as well so it is clear there will be something of substance to be got from attending a seminar with you or whoever.....creating seminars where one can attend and not take responsibility for, at least, trying to get what is being taught is happening alot lately.... I've noticed. Folks are allowed to play dumb (it's easier than being frustrated for some) and not take responsibility for learning something deeper about the movement or art as a whole because an instructor who demands more is rare and usually NOT sought after....

That said, I truly appreciate your efforts along this way.


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