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Old 01-08-2011, 08:26 PM   #79
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
Join Date: Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Re: Aikido as Sport: Did O'Sensei Condemn It?

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
That's fine, of course, but it really doesn't have much to to with the question of the original poster.

What's the point of trying to deny that Kaiso condemned Aikido as sport?


Chris, you have your view, I have mine, it's obvious to me you are a "ki" and "o" sensei must be right "nut", so no amount of arguing the toss to whether he said it or not, really matters......
I'm naturally competitive, I prefer my style of aikido which is grounded in rationality, that being Shodokan, (Shodothug to you) I also infuse my other experience in other arts I feel are practical, and discard that which isn't, no big deal.....
I like/prefer to be rational, I don't believe in woo woo or mystical powers, I don't need a crutch, unless I break my leg......
I don't put humans on pedestals as some sort of deity to be worshipped and idolised, but there is nothing wrong in admiring a person for their accomplishments....
When we see Tohei's wrestling match with the geezer/reporter in that old newsreel, I just thought he didn't look any different to most average Shodokan players, albeit it he was being as kind as he could to him.... Didn't see any mystical "ki" there, so I know where I'm coming from, do you?
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