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Old 12-12-2010, 04:43 PM   #14
Tony Wagstaffe
Location: Winchester
Join Date: Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Re: Tales and Phantasies of Aikibunny

Charles David Henderson wrote: View Post
You know, someone should speak up here in defense of rabbits.

Around here, if you go a few miles into the desert, the only rabbits are desert jacks. They aren't cute -- they're impressive. Lean, hard, and fast. I had a dog once who loved hunting rabbit. When we went skiing, she'd go hunting. She never got close to the desert jacks.

I used to love eating rabbit. Seems like the protein profile of rabbit meat is pretty much perfect for people. I can still remember the taste of the rabbit masala I cooked in the galley of a barge in S. France -- had to take the head out though....Eyes.

Then, back home, one winter morning I was driving to the dojo when I saw a small form lying near the curb. I pulled over and saw it was a rabbit that had been struck by a car. Not a jack -- the cottontails you find closer to the mountain.

Its skull was shattered, around the eye. It still was breathing.

I felt I couldn't just ignore it and then go be mindful and present -- just didn't make sense.

Nor did I much relish the thought of doing the right thing personally, with what I had at my disposal (bokken, tire iron, boot....)

So I took it to the emergency vet, figuring I might avoid the hard part of my decision.

Walked in, explained myself, and endured their curiosity. Was told, in passing, that I'd exposed myself to plague before being offered back my towel -- I declined. They took my burdens.

Haven't eaten rabbit since.

Anyway, the point being -- tough buggers, in nature.
I quite like rabbit myself.... sort of chickeny game ain't it......
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