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Old 12-05-2010, 05:57 AM   #37
Shany's Avatar
Dojo: ISTA
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 164
Re: How do you develop the big toe?

what it means is that, the earth is a magnetic field, when you walk with shoes your body become an insulator, therefore earth's electrons can't access your body, however when you walk barefoot outside, your body 'reconnects' with earth and charges you with electrons.

the connection point is the feet (toes, heel and palm of your feet), this way energy is moving up into your torso and than to the rest of your body. the more grounded (barefoot on earth's ground - not a mat) the more you'll be charged with energy (which is beneficial to your health too, since our body is 90% water, we are a great conductors)

A good stance and posture reflects a proper state of mind
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