Thread: aikido is...
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Old 11-26-2010, 08:06 AM   #119
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Re: aikido is...

Cherie Cornmesser wrote: View Post
O'Sensei once said, "I am the universe",. I'm pretty sure he believed that he was. I can even understand exactly what he meant by that and based on the same idea aikido is indeed everything.
You're stepping into a morass. a quagmire. A mess of a situation. In all seriousness. Even though I post things about the "spiritual" side of Ueshiba Morihei, I have no doubts that I am missing a lot. I side with Peter Goldsbury on this issue. There is soooo much to that time, his life, that religion, his changing, the war, etc that it is very hard to get a solid grip on exactly what Ueshiba Morihei meant when he spoke on his spiritual ideology.

I would strongly suggest taking a step back and looking at this from a view, that perhaps, you do not know exactly what Ueshiba Morihei meant and doing the research to truly understand.

Just as a very small example:

Black Belt 1984 Vol 22 No 10. An article by Gaku Homma.

In the dojo, after greeting a few students, he would lecture on the essence of aikido in Omotokyo teachings, which few students could understand completely. After a short, puzzling moment, he would continue by saying, "What I meant was …" or "For example ..." In one class, he called the instructor to the front and placed the teacher's hands on his hip, commanding the man to push him over. "My body is joined with the universe and nobody can move me," the founder said. The young instructor tried to push him but couldn't.

Can you stand there, have someone forcefully push on your hips, and be umoved? If not, then I would, respectfully, suggest that perhaps you do not know what Ueshiba Morihei meant when he talked about the Universe.

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