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Old 08-24-2010, 09:19 AM   #68
David Orange
Dojo: Aozora Dojo
Location: Birmingham, AL
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,511
Re: Ueshiba Morihei's power

Jason Casteel wrote: View Post
My point was that by relating his physical skills to his spiritual persuits, you instantly make his level unattainable to the majority, but his skills were definitely physical.

With the vast number of physical records that are broken daily in this world, there are very few if any physical one-offs anymore. Even in cases where someone is so good that they're never actually surpassed, you still see skill levels that are comparable...except in Aikido..
That's right. But in OSensei's actual generation (direct students of Sokaku Takeda), you find Sagawa and Horikawa, who are said to have been comparable. And Mochizuki Sensei said that Kyuzo Mifune, of judo, was comparable to OSensei in his ability to throw effortlessly and at will, almost anyone he met. And Toku Sampo seems to have been at about the same level as Mifune. So while OSensei was unique and remarkable, he wasn't a total anomaly. It is interesting that OSensei and Mifune never met. It would have made an important historical benchmark to have some kind of record of a match between them.

And then there was the matter of OSensei's skill as a promoter--whether of himself or of himself on behalf of his spiritual pursuits. These days, very few people know the name of Toku Sampo and it's hard to find any record of him or much information about him, but in prewar Japan, he was well known. But people like that are usually not self-promoters for any reason.

There is no question that OSensei was unique and extremely powerful, but he was a man among men and not a god. So I think you're right that the difference that makes the difference has always been available for those who are really seeking and not just following and imitating.

Hope you guys had a good meet-up on the 14th and that I can get together with Jang and the gang again soon!

Best wishes.


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Lao Tzu

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