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Old 08-23-2010, 02:20 PM   #54
Johann Baptista
Dojo: Aikido Institute Davis
Location: Davis, CA
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 29
Re: Ueshiba Morihei's power

Chris Hein wrote: View Post
When we finally get over this hero worship/fantasy, the Aikido community will make some good forward progress. Until then...
Without using the particular words "Hero Worship", I would say that this quote is the exact reason that the Aikido community is not moving forward. We are too proud to recognize O Sensei's spiritual achievement for what it was. Consequently, we do not turn to his teachings for guidance as we practice the art that he created. Instead, we make up our own interpretations of what he believed, call his life a fantasy, think of Aikido merely as a set of physical movements, hide the existence of Ki by calling it a metaphor, etc. No one is taking Aikido to the Spiritual level that O Sensei created it to be. Remember, this is the guy who spent hours lecturing his students on the Kami. Its really sad that so many people have tried to make Aikido into an external art by slowly tearing away all of its spiritual roots. I understand that this is not meant, but never the less it occurs. It is all too easy to follow the little voice in our minds that doubts anything remotely mysterious; it is much easier to continue in our comfortable logical patterns of thinking.

As to what Ellis said: I appreciate the distinction, but I really do believe his physical power came from his spiritual achievements. I have also done a lot of research on his life and read several books by respected authors concerning it. No where have I found a version of events that "attempts to unmask the spiritual fraud that he is." And much earlier in the posts there were mentions about "being a bridge between Heaven and Earth" and letting go of Ego. Perhaps those posts too should be ignored too and we should go instead to the physical mechanics of breaking arms .

- Johann
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