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Old 07-28-2010, 12:30 PM   #37
Location: NJ
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 241
Re: I think I'm feeling burnout or worse. I am seriously considering walking away.

If they are trying to hurt you on purpose, walk away. Its the only choice.
If your body hurts, reduce your training or take a few days to recover. Hit the ice packs and warm soaks regiment to get your body healed. Dont continue to be a walking wounded. Training wounded can lead to more injuries to same areas or open yourself to new ones as you try to protect or over compensate for your old injuries.

Sometimes, in certain dojos, when young bucks like yourself bite off a bit more than you can chew, seniors will come by give some lessons in hubris. I m not saying this is the case or that is right to do this. But it is the culture, the unofficial dojo pecking order, so to speak, of certain dojos. So I wonder if you made less of a "splash" during class, the problem would go away.

I can only say this, improve your ukemi should you choose to stay. That is the only way to to keep injuries from getting you. From experience, I would be the 1st on there and the last one to leave. Get in early to go over ukemi drills before class, after class do more drills or have a senior "toss" you around so you can learn the "feeling" you have to develop for self preservation and safely negotiating throws and or joint locks. Only then can learn to ride that bubble between being just in the right spot where you can take the fall or should you choose reversal.

From me to you, take a few days off let your body heal. Maybe work on some weapons, I think you will find your answers then.

Dont make me, make you, grab my wrist.
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