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Old 07-16-2010, 06:49 PM   #63
Erick Mead
Erick Mead's Avatar
Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 2,619
Re: some exercises for getting the structure going and why they're done

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
Mickey's post #54 was a quote by Dan but in it, Dan was replying to Erick Mead, NOT James Huang. See:
Dan replied to Mickey on post #57.

Hope that clears things up a bit.

No. But since you asked:

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
How has your knowledge benefited you in doing Aikido to such an extraordinary level that anyone would be interested in following it?
Your first mistake is presuming that I am interested in any "following" or having whatever ability I do have made the subject of the universal acclaim that some people seem obviously to hunger for. There is a word for this assumption of my motivation in such a response: Projection.
Dan Harden wrote: View Post
People tell me you are nothing out of the norm.
If you knew my "people" you would name names -- and we have done this presumptive argument of yours to death -- I am not in the business of showmanship, but understanding things for the sake of understanding, and saying what I see when I see it.

I have nothing to sell. Not even my ego.

It's one of the reasons I rarely engage you. In a comparison of methodology; the end results have already been decided.
Mazeltov. I missed any methodology you have detailed. You are very, very clear about your ability to impress people with your ability to do damage to them.

I don't need aiki to do that -- in fact I do not need anything but a pen, in my line of work, to do people a great deal of damage. Bun bu itchi. Thankfully, however, that is a responsibility that I take care to exercise in a professional manner, which requires sometimes misperceived measures to avoid the necessity, rather than merely seeking out opportunities to display my ability to do it simply because I can.

(TEST: If my psychological observation above is correct, those operating in that mode have read this last as a implied boast of my physical ability in the topic at hand -- rather than the critical moral comparison of approaches that it actually is).

I will once again be in Florida several times this winter...would you care to compare methods in an open room with senior level practioners and teachers that can help you to support your continued attempts here in a more meaningful fashion?
This is a BIG state. Apart from that, anyone who cares can PM to ask me the reasons I was given from those I trust far more -- and have trained with -- to politely decline your kind, ... kind invitation. I train with people I trust. I do not trust you and I have been given reasons sufficient for me.

You have two levels of reputation -- whether you know it or not - one that Mark M.and David O. have bought into and demonstrate here -- and another one that is circulated in other channels, and confirmed, unfortunately by your manner and debate tactics here.
FWIW, I have no such basis to make the same statement as to , Mike S. (or Ark or any of his adherents) despite the fact that we also tend to talk past one another far too much. Suffice it to say that the difference is an indication of a sharply "selective" expression of your good will in "training." As for my confirmation -- as a man argues, so does he fight -- in my book. And ad hominem is not clean argument.

By all means, let me know when and where and I may come watch if it is not too far and my schedule permits. Who knows ? Maybe your charm in person will refute the reports given to me ad overcome your perceived manner here. I would love to see your demonstration of aiki-age from holding the back of your knee -- very clever -- so post a video of that and you will go far in projecting some good will toward those in my circles.

But you already know who they are, I suppose ?


Erick Mead