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Old 07-07-2010, 04:10 PM   #35
Toby Threadgill
Location: Evergreen, Colorado
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 166
Re: Breaking Shu Ha Ri

Niall Matthews wrote: View Post
I have a question - two really - for Mr Threadgill.

Do you think your teacher if he is still alive (or if he was still alive) would be happy about you being patronizing to other martial artists, and does your understanding of the freedom of ri not include a continuing reponsibility to your teacher and to your ryuha?
Mr Matthews,

I've never bought into the politically correct concept that all opinions are valid. Unless you are so inclined I cannot figure out how you interpreted my comments as patronizing. I merely sought to express an opinion based on intimate personal experience, which I continue to believe the author does not have. If my attempt at providing an "educated" opinion still seems supercilious in your eyes, so be it. But consider this, Peter Goldsbury cited the article written by my teacher on this very subject because he obviously felt it to be worthy of consideration. Ushiro Kenji of Shindo ryu karate and Dr Fumiaki Shishida, the aikido 8th dan at Waseda University have both told me in person that they believe Takamura sensei's short article on Shu Ha Ri to be one of the most insightful they've ever read on the subject. After Takamura sensei's passing I was designated the technical and administrative head of TSYR. As the head of a koryu jujutsu school I am charged by blood oath to maintain our traditions, and one of those traditions is the Shu Ha Ri pedagogy. I think most people would believe that qualifies me to comment on the subject with some level of authority.

As for Takamura sensei himself, I'm not just convinced, but positive his response to the author would have been far less delicate than mine. Takamura sensei had little tolerance for the prognostications of armchair experts or those unaware of their own ignorance. Training under the man could be harsh, both physically and mentally. Consequently, I am very aware of my "responsibilities" to him and my ryuha because his uncompromising expectations were ground into my very soul.

FWIW....In our rather indulgent western culture maintaining Shu Ha Ri has been a huge challenge as most westerners chafe against a method that demands such unshakable dedication and patience. However, I feel I improve in this quest every year, and I feel confident my students would agree with me because it is they who enjoy the fruits of their dedication..... and the dedication of the uncompromising man who walked the path before us.

Tobin E Threadgill / TSYR

Last edited by Toby Threadgill : 07-07-2010 at 04:22 PM.
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