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Old 06-14-2010, 01:11 PM   #11
Garth Jones
Dojo: Allegheny Aikido
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 166
Re: One very confused Aikidoka

Szczepan Janczuk wrote: View Post
This sounds like concept 'fair play" or 'gentlemen agreement'. I have strong impression those terms are totally absent in the concept of Japanese Budo.
So what is your answer to the OP's question?

Certainly we can train with maximum effort all the time and throw without regard to uke's skill. The Japanese military trained their fighter pilots with that kind of intensity before and at the very beginning of WWII, for example. The training was so intense that something like 80-90% washed out and there were injuries and deaths. The few that survived were some of the best pilots ever to get in a cockpit. Our military is a bit less harsh on their special forces recruits but there is still a high fail and injury rate.

We could run an aikido dojo that way, but I don't think it would be in business very long and it better have an awesome liability policy.

All of the Japanese instructors I have studied with over more than two decades of aikido have taken safety in training seriously and have not tolerated throwing people way past their ability to protect themselves. They have often come up to the edge and gone past it a bit - that's how we get better - but regular injuries are not acceptable.

Anyway, back to the OP's question - Daniel - ask the person who threw you or your sensei about it. It's their job to teach ukemi as well as waza so if you ask them how to take the fall so it doesn't over stress your elbow (or any other part) they may well have an answer.

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