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Old 06-13-2010, 12:24 AM   #67
Peter Goldsbury
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Dojo: Hiroshima Kokusai Dojo
Location: Hiroshima, Japan
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 2,308
Re: YouTube: Ki in Aikido? (Y. Takeda sensei demo)

Hello Dan,

I can answer the second question immediately. Aikido has virtually no presence in China at all and so we have been listening very carefully to the Chinese officials who are part of the main organizing committee. This is partly the reason for the age limitation and for downplaying any suggestion that the Japanese have any exclusive cultural 'ownership' of aikido.

As for the first question, this is something I am still working on. No requirements have yet been given about the actual content of the demonstration, other than that the final demo has to be a kind of crescendo of the whole event.

Best wishes,


Dan Harden wrote: View Post
If I may ask, are you going to require that the attackers retain their balance before, during, and after the initiation of the attack and then have to be taken off their feet? Or are they going to be permitted to attack and then give up their sense of balance and body structure, receive technique and agree to fall?
Secondarily, does Aikido enjoy a sucessful presence in China? One of the reasons I ask is; I wonder if a Chinese audience viewing martial arts might be educated differently, and therefore will see a martial art display with different eyes.


P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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